Well, I'm pretty excited about this part of the mandate, not that it's not all great, but I agree with you that one of the ways we can actually move gender equality forward in leaps and bounds is to make sure our agencies, our organizations, and our private sector, for that matter, have more women leading the way.
We can do it ourselves, of course. We as a party had an event where we called women and girls and encouraged them to step forward into politics. I think we're all free to do that kind of mentorship at the ground level. We have a number of projects, and our recent call for proposals is focused on exactly that, empowering women to step up to participate, whether it's at a community level or a political level, and at all levels of politics. We often focus on federal politics because we're here, but really the numbers are even more abysmal at the municipal level. We've supported organizations that have done a lot of research around municipal elections, and we're disseminating that information as fast as we can.
Again, the leadership and the focus that our Prime Minister has placed on the need for gender equality and the value of gender equality, not just from a human rights lens but from a fiscal lens is stimulating a lot of activity within the Status of Women, and I'm happy to report that they're very busy.