I worked in the tourism industry for over 20 years, so I had to make a decision. Do I go back to school and is it going to be worth my while to do that to provide for my family?
While I did make that decision and got into the program, the personal growth they help you with.... They do the academics, your math, those types of things, upgrading, anything you may need. On the other side, they help you to be an individual. They help you to see the stigmas that are out there and to combat them.
They're really all about us and our sisterhood, the 20 women who were in the program. It's more about us growing as a group. Even though I'm a mature student and was a mature woman at the time, I still had some personal growth to do. I still had to see that this was something I could do, it was not just a male-dominated field, and anything was possible. They always reassured that for all of us.