Thank you very much.
You mentioned that the site is maintained by CanLII, and I want to get some clarification. Is that a public website, or is that specific to judges and lawyers only? Would anybody in Canada be able to access that?
Secondly, in looking at this, I totally understand where you're coming from, but one of my concerns is that if it comes to the provincial level—I realize there's going to have to be a balance here when we come to the Constitution—we recognize that there's access to information. That's another hurdle.
We do not want to put in any hurdles, whether for our media or our victims, whoever it may be, with another cost. These can be very expensive things as well. We want to make sure that this is easily accessible and at very little cost, if any cost whatsoever.
First of all, could you comment on CanLII and let me know about that? That may be the best opportunity or the best situation we have, and you could continue from there.