As a heads-up, we won't move forward with the amendment that we had proposed because Mr. Fraser's new motion captures it. But I want again on the record to have the witnesses who came before the committee note that we heard them and we heard from a great range of people who certainly pointed out, whether they were representing victims or whether they were people on the advocacy and justice side, that the need for this is great.
I'll say as well, we were delighted to see mainstream media reporting on the worst of the sexual assault trials that go sideways. We also know that we have less and less money in conventional publishing to go out and do that investigative journalism, which is a great cause of concern.
If we're able to adopt Mr. Fraser's proposal, which has been guided off the rocks a little bit by the justice department—so thank you for that teamwork—then it will respond to a need that's been identified on the record by witnesses. We will, for the New Democratic side, be supporting it.