Well, I think poverty itself is a social determinant, and it relates to other social determinants, such as poor housing, living in poor neighbourhoods, a lack of child care, and a lack of home care for elderly parents. These all act in combination to limit women's choices and to make access to and use of income measures, which may be very positive, very difficult to do.
As an example, to follow up on what Isabella said, again, because of economic measures, women are burdened more and more with the care of family members—either sick children or parents. This has been a state responsibility that has been put on the backs of women. Tax measures, income support measures, and labour policies to support women in that role are fine, but if there's no home care, or no affordable home care.... Being affordable is one issue, but if there is no home care available, or if it has all been privatized.... This is the other issue: many services have been privatized.
Those are the kinds of impediments that prevent women from taking advantage of what may be extremely positive measures. Also, as you say, poverty is multi-generational. Once women are impoverished, their children are impoverished, and many of the health effects, such as chronic infections, pass down to children. It's the weight of the burden, I guess, that I think social determinants cause.