I agree with the kinds of comments that have been made by Tamara: that we need to collect the data so people recognize what's going on, so people recognize that there are so few female CEOs of engineering and technical-related companies, for example. That has to be made available to the public so that people know about it.
Within the universities, again I agree that the statistics need to be very clear to everyone within the science and engineering faculties. The driving forces need to come from the academic officers, the provosts, the people in positions of decision-making, the people who can really make a difference, the people who can say that this has to change. Then it influences the deans and those of us who are working on the ground, trying to actually make a difference.
It's the same kind of thing with regard to companies. We need advocates within the companies. We've noticed with our work what a huge difference that can make. Again, if government can make it clear that these figures are available and if the advocates within companies who make a difference are given the credit for so doing, that could help enormously.