To me, after so many years of pushing for more women on boards and senior roles, the Ontario government, the OSC, has introduced the comply or explain policy, which they have been monitoring now for the last two or three years. The excuses that companies put in their proxy filings are just hilarious. We actually researched them, and they say, well, it is merit-based and that's why there's no progress. Really? The excuses have been whitewashing everything that is currently status quo. So this is not happening.
The most disheartening part last year when we looked at public sector board appointments was that out of 521 board appointments, 76 went to women. That's 15%. Excuse me, after all the discussion and all the awareness, all the beautiful comply or explain and “shouldn't we be better by now?”, and “we are Canadians, a beacon in the global society of gender parity”, this is not happening without a quota. That's my point. Even after all the nudging, you do need a shock to the system. Without a quota, I don't think this will happen.