Thank you.
Madam Chair, honourable committee members, let me begin by thanking you for inviting us today.
As the chief financial officer, I am pleased to present an overview of the representation of women at the Canadian Space Agency.
The agency is working hard to ensure greater representation of women, not only in our workforce as a whole, but also in all the professions related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Access to a qualified, diverse and innovative workforce is a priority for us.
Before I continue, allow me to introduce my colleague, Dominique Breden, the agency's chief audit and evaluation executive. She is also our champion for employment equity and for the Women in Science, Technology and Management Committee.
I am proud to tell you that the Canadian Space Agency is meeting its targets in terms of representation of women in scientific fields.
The work done by the CSA women in science, technology, and management committee for the past 15 years has enabled us to increase the number of women in scientific, technical, and leadership positions in the organization. In 2002, women made up 13 of the agency's scientific employees. There were no women in senior management.
The representation of women in scientific, technical and engineering positions at the Canadian Space Agency meets workforce availability, which is 14.1% for engineers. The representation of women in middle management and senior management positions also meets workforce availability.
However, in management positions in science and technology sectors, they are still under-represented. For example, at the management level in engineering, the representation of women is approximately three times lower than their workforce availability. We are, therefore, pursuing our efforts, with a particular focus on these specific sectors of the organization.
At first, the committee's initiatives were primarily aimed at raising awareness among agency employees about the difficulties women face when trying to move into management and executive-level positions.
In 2014, the terms of reference, inspired by similar initiatives in other space agencies, notably NASA and the German and other European agencies, were written and endorsed by our executive committee, which recognizes and supports the importance of the efforts being made to improve representation of women in management positions.
Our committee members continue to monitor current and emerging issues at the Canadian Space Agency and best practices in government. They organize presentations for employees on gender-related challenges and opportunities, and participate in networking activities. Finally, they develop plans to support women's careers and provide regular updates and recommendations for action to the agency's executive committee.
The efforts undertaken over the years have borne fruit. Since 2009, the number of women in the scientific and professional category has met the employment equity objectives.
Our women in science, technology, and management committee is also investing a great deal of effort in creating a national women's committee to increase this group's visibility within the federal community. The proposal to create this national committee received support from 38 government departments and agencies, and in December 2016, it was submitted to the Treasury Board Secretariat for presentation to the Clerk of the Privy Council.
In all our recruiting processes, we do everything in our power to seek out talented women who work in the Canadian STEM community, that is, in professions related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The same is true when recruiting astronauts.
A national engagement strategy has been put in place to ensure that our astronaut recruitment campaign, which is currently under way, reaches the largest possible number of Canadians. In particular, we have reached out to women and indigenous people, including through the media and online social networks.
This strategy involves seeking help from various stakeholders, including universities, professional associations, and government partners like Status of Women Canada, to connect with these women and encourage them to apply.
These efforts have resulted in significant gains. During the last recruiting campaign, in 2008-09, 18.6% of the candidates who submitted an application were women. This time, the proportion rose to 24%—which is still lower than the workforce availability of women in the targeted sectors, in other words, 32%. The recruiting process, itself, was also designed to ensure equity. The proportion of women still in the running is 29.4%, or five candidates out of a total of 17.
Our female astronaut candidates are also role models for young Canadians. Each female candidate has a unique STEM background, and all of them are ambassadors for the opportunities that exist for women in STEM fields.
We have also developed digital profiles that show the background, career, education, and exceptional skills of the 72 best astronaut candidates. Teachers and guidance counsellors even sent messages thanking us after using the profiles in class to put a human face on the possible careers open to young people in Canada.
Space has great power to inspire. When they are in Canada, our astronauts visit Canadians in various parts of the country to promote space, scientific discoveries, and the STEM fields.
Every year, spokeswomen from the agency—scientists, engineers, and so forth—participate in events intended for a variety of audiences, some specifically for women, such as The Sky's No Limit - Girls Fly Too! in British Columbia and Les filles et les sciences in Montreal.
We are continuing our communication and awareness activities in order to inspire, stimulate, encourage, and support the young scientists, explorers, and innovators of tomorrow.
Thanks to our efforts to increase the presence of women in key positions in our agency and to ensure greater availability of a qualified workforce, we are able not only to carry out the Canadian space program, but also to help Canada position itself strongly in a knowledge economy.
That concludes my opening statement.
Thank you for your attention. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.