Thank you so much.
Caregivers Nova Scotia, the very powerful personal stories that you told really do help amplify why we're doing this study. I'm very much reminded of a meeting just two weeks ago in my own riding with the Nanaimo Family Life Association. They are just being hammered by having invited community calls for support through their seniors connect project. They're funded for 100 places, and they're looking after 400 people who are isolated seniors in poverty with no public transit. Many of these people spent their lives working in low-paid care jobs and are now having a very hard time getting by.
I want to focus on the NGO side of things, because the Nanaimo Family Life Association described the hoops they jump through to try to find program funding. I note your acknowledgement within your website around the operational funding that your group receives.
Could you talk about how important operational funding is for organizations like yours to be able to fill the gap and support women in poverty?