We cannot make ends meet. We have to put our dignity aside and expose ourselves to everyone by holding fundraising activities. We feel judged, excluded, and like we do not mean anything to society.
We keep going, of course, out of love for our children.
At the federal level, there are a few small programs that provide assistance under certain conditions. A number of them are tax credits, which do not help most families because their income is too low.
Why can a mother with a seriously disabled child under the age of 18 not benefit from a family caregiver program and receive the refundable medical expense supplement?
Why can a mother with an adult disabled child not claim the tax deduction for child care tax expenses and the child disability benefit? A disabled child is still a child, even in adulthood.
We have to become a priority for the government. We have been left by the wayside for too long. By investing in us, the government would make it possible for us to give back to society, contribute to the economy, reclaim our potential, and live in dignity.