Absolutely. What we hear from so many people is that they wish they had saved more back when they were working, that if they had known then what they know now, they would have saved more. There's a lot of research on the benefits of nudging people to do certain things, but a defined benefit pension plan goes beyond that to really mandate a secure retirement future for individuals. It's one of the reasons CARP was so pleased with the My65+ plan that came out from OPSEU in Ontario, where the really low-income workers, personal support workers, would have some retirement security.
Defined pension plans are the gold standard, and CARP is a huge supporter of those. We are also aware of the economic realities and the bleeding that is happening from defined pension plans. We want to be realistic about supporting alternatives that will increase the coverage for individuals. Ultimately, for private corporations, it's the businesses that are footing the bill, so we need to find a program that works for businesses and still provides benefits for individuals.