I certainly want to support everything that my esteemed colleagues have said. The whole point of my presentation was to say that we need to make a really concentrated effort, first, at naming the paradigm that exists, of [Inaudible—Editor] sexist misogynists at work. All sectors need to be involved together to be able to address that.
You talk about making things visible. That's part of what we need to start making visible. Sexism is alive and well in our country. It's represented in the fact that we still do have pay inequity. When I was in university 30 years ago, I remember being upset that women were earning 80¢ on the dollar. Now we're earning less than that. It's discouraging, but at the same time what it points to is that we haven't been putting our attention and resources in places where they are desperately required if we're going to really shift that paradigm.