I would build on what Anne is saying. I think it's about opening the conversation and opening it sooner than later.
I think the fact that you're asking the question is already.... I'd be optimistic with your son.
But I think it's really having those sometimes difficult conversations, because I've heard from a lot of moms that they don't want to talk to their sons about violence, about consent, about these things that they don't really want their sons to have anything to do with. What we would say is that we need to have those conversations, because he is seeing it, he's picking up on all kinds of things. If it's not in his school or in the neighbourhood, it's online. What young boys are seeing online is really.... I can't even find the right word for how alarming it is. How boys see women and girls, how they see relationships, how they see marriage and family are the kinds of conversations you want to open up so that they will talk to you about their questions and their confusion. When they say, “I see you doing this at home, mom, but then I see something else happening in my school”, that's the kind of conversation you want to open up.
I can't underline how much we need to talk about consent. We need to talk to our young boys about consent, not just our young girls.