I don't disagree.
One of the main points I always make is that, as a small grassroots organization in the community receiving funding from a number of different areas, we're constantly underfunded across all programs. If the federal government does go forward with this initiative and releases additional funding, it would be so helpful to receive unrestricted dollars.
Anne Taylor mentioned the grants and the constant need to renew the funding, and not necessarily getting it. We need long-term sustainability. We need to be able to know that long-term sustainability is there. It's never going to happen through a grant application process.
If you were to look at my financial statements for the last 10 years, you would see where I have funding shortfalls. For the last 10 years, we've tried to raise money—not every year successfully. We have a very small reserve, and it's now depleting so that we can maintain our programs at the current level.
The bottom line for me is that those dollars not be restricted. Don't tell me I have to complete a grant application. Ask me to show you where our shortfalls are and that we've been fiscally responsible. I accept that. Let us make the decisions on where the priority needs of our organization lie. Flow directly from the feds to the organizations, and don't ask us to go through another layer.