Thank you for this opportunity to speak on behalf of the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society. I greatly appreciate it.
Just as a quick snapshot, the multicultural society serves about 1,100 newcomers a year. As many immigrant services across Canada have experienced this year, we've had a massive influx of government-assisted and privately sponsored refugees. I will speak on behalf of the immigrants who have come here either through private sponsorship or the government-assisted refugee process, or as newcomers wanting to immigrate to Canada in different ways, and specifically around women, of course.
We know that women are at a disadvantage in the labour force simply because we're women, and even more so for immigrant and refugee women. For the economic participation of immigrant and refugee women who are culturally and linguistically diverse, current barriers have to be removed.
One that was already addressed is the lack of available and affordable child care. Fluency in the local language is vital for newcomer integration, especially in the labour market, as such fluency is a strong predictor of employment and salary. We have seen that immigrant women often stay home to take care of their young children due to the lack of available and affordable child care, and they therefore have limited opportunities to learn English.
In terms of educational levels and work experience, the preference of employers for local qualifications and work experience obviously places immigrants at a disadvantage. Immigrant women who delay entering the labour force because of child care or taking care of elders may face greater difficulties when trying to do so in the future.
In regard to discrimination, women from culturally diverse backgrounds face discrimination on the basis of race and sex. This can be indirect or direct. In the central Vancouver Island region, we have seen cases of immigrant women facing discrimination based on their faith as well. These cases have gone to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal.
In light of these realities, we would like to propose the following recommendations.
The first is for universal and affordable child care. This would benefit all women, especially low-income and working-poor families from immigrant and diverse backgrounds.
Second, provide financial support to immigrant centres to operate English classes for women and their young children. These specially designed English classes would include both an English teacher and an ECE educator working together to assist the mothers and children in improving language skills. This addresses both insolation and lack of child care.
Third, increase financial support by adding on to contribution agreements already in place with not-for-profit immigrant societies to develop and implement innovative women's employment programs. Currently in B.C., there is a gap in employment programs for women, and there are no employment programs specifically looking at immigrant or refugee women.
Fourth, provide educational incentives, such as bursaries and grants, for low-income immigrant women wanting to pursue careers in environmental sciences, policy development, and engineering, in order to address the gender gap.
As well, actively implement the convention on the elimination of discrimination against women. Canada is a signatory of CEDAW, the United Nations convention. The convention defines discrimination against women as “any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition [and] enjoyment [of women].” It continues, “By accepting the Convention, States commit themselves to undertake a series of measures to end discrimination against women in all forms, including” incorporating the principle of equality of men and women, abolishing all discriminatory laws, and adopting appropriate ones prohibiting discrimination against women.
General recommendation 19 of CEDAW states that there is a “right to just and favourable” working conditions for women.
Canada could be a leader in putting CEDAW into action.
Finally, I'd like to mention a motion by MP Sheila Malcolmson on the importance of more beds in shelters and transition housing.
We see many immigrant women who have come to Nanaimo or the central Vancouver Island region fleeing abuse, and they are often isolated because they have no other family members in Canada. With limited housing, limited beds in shelters, and limited affordable housing in general, these women often choose to stay with their abuser in order to have shelter.
I know this is not a new idea, but what we need to look at is a national housing strategy to assist women, and low-income and working poor families achieve economic security.
Thank you.