The campus projects ended relatively recently and again have resulted in a community of practice of past project proponents that are continuing this conversation. We're actually holding a conversation with them tomorrow to start identifying best practices that flow from their experiences delivering projects for a period of over two years. Some of the common approaches that these projects took are things such as increasing awareness and engagement, trying to involve youth from across the campus, and involving senior administrations, so there are a number of approaches that seem promising.
One thing that stuck out is the need for very specific policies that deal with sexual harassment, assault, etc., because if you are trying to deal with these forms of violence through a general policy of living well together or something of that nature, it doesn't seem to fit the bill for anybody.
There are some best practices coming out of these projects. To say there are net results in terms of reductions of violence, we would have to have proper data and a common reporting system across the country within a same university baseline and monitoring over time, which does not exist for the most part.
The province of Ontario is a trailblazer in this field and is moving leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the country and may be providing us this type of data in the very near future.