I appreciate the support for my motion, which was more than a year ago but which we didn't ever debate. I appreciate that we need an indigenous women's focus. I'm a little bit concerned about the optics of making it look as if it's only indigenous women who are having trouble with the law. I'm sure we can manage that, but there are systemic problems, which is why my motion, proposed back in March 2016, was about women's experience with the justice system.
My priority remains a study on domestic violence shelters. Because my previous motion to study women's access to domestic violence shelters was voted down by the committee, at the clerk's advice I have a slightly different motion that updates it. I can put that on the record. I provided it yesterday to the clerk, or my staff did.
I move:
That given the recent finding of gaps in shelter services by the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities' 7th report, “Breaking the Cycle: A study on Poverty Reduction”, the committee study the shelter and transition house system in Canada; that the study include an examination of the current gap between need and available beds and shelters and transition houses; that the study include an examination of current federal programs and funding in support of shelters and transition houses; that the study consider possible solutions to address the gap between need and supply; that the committee report its findings to the House; that the meetings be televised; and that the committee request a government response to its report.