My apologies. I didn't understand what the question was.
We're starting to get numbers. Statistics Canada cancelled the data collection that was useful to us in the past. It's going to start that survey again, which will help us a great deal. Some universities, like my own, have done an equity audit, which is a very useful audit. It looks at the equity-seeking groups—and now it's going to add LGBTQ groups to those—with regard to both support staff and academic staff. It looks at the eligible pool compared to the kinds of jobs that people have. I think, as we just saw this week in a study that came out, just doing that kind of work helps us move forward, because it shines a light on the inequities that result. We're just starting to get better data, I think, that helps us see more clearly where we need to move, just as we did on the CRC chairs. Those studies were also the basis for the movement on requiring CRC chairs to take other equity-seeking groups and indigenous people into account.