There has been a persistent pay gap. This is one area in which I have worked for a long time and on which I have been an expert witness in various ways to show that the gap has not narrowed very much, and that sometimes when it has narrowed, it has narrowed only because men's income has gone down, as opposed to women's income improving.
We have to work on both fronts, I think: on equal pay for equal work, and equal pay for work of equal value. We know that a voluntary plan doesn't work. We've had legislation on those two issues for a very long time, and we still don't have equitable pay for women. We have to have some enforcement mechanisms, and not only enforcement mechanisms, but mechanisms that require people to go out—as we are doing in other equity-seeking programs—and say that you have to start looking at what happens in your labour force. Then you have to develop a plan to do something about it.