It was an amazing program. We've had one session so far. It lasted for a day and a half. We brought together very senior leaders from across the organization and some clients. That was different for us, because we brought some of our major clients into the session as well. It was a real opportunity to consider what is meant by gender bias and what you have experienced or haven't experienced that others have to deal with.
One question was, have you ever felt sexually harassed in the workplace? Many men said no, and most of the women raised their hands. There was an exchange of information wherein the men were shocked that the women, whom they work with every day, had experienced something like this at some time in their working career. It's an opportunity to see what others experience.
We're going to have three more sessions by the end of this year. Catalyst Canada is a big supporter of men advocating real change, and there's a real opportunity to leverage it in other workplaces. It doesn't have to be in private sector workplaces. It could be done in a community as well.
I'd be happy to get and to provide to you more information on the way the program can be leveraged.