The motion is that the committee set a deadline of May 12, 2016, to receive written briefs from members of the public on the study of gender-based analysis, and that the committee issue a press release to let people know that they're able to submit a brief up to 500 words and 10 pages, and that we continue our study on violence against young women and girls in Canada in the fall.
The motion, then, to represent everything I've said, is made by Ms. Damoff.
Is there any discussion? No. I love this committee.
We need to vote.
(Motion agreed to)
What that means is that next week, on Tuesday, we will have Justice Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the Public Health Agency, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada coming and they will still be talking to us about the violence against women issue.
Then on Thursday next week, we will have Public Safety Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police coming to talk to us on violence against women and young girls.
Is there other committee business?
Ms. Vecchio.