We do have a team. About half of the people who are anticipated are staffed. Some of them already were in Status of Women and have many years of expertise in the area of gender-based violence across all the different tentacles and all the initiatives going on in different departments.
We are planning for some type of, at least, online presence, a light one, early in the new fiscal year. We are very actively working already with our key stakeholders, which are other federal departments, the provinces and territories, civil society organizations, and the minister's gender-based advisory committee to develop thorough action plans for each component of the gender-based violence strategy, with a focus, of course, on the ones under the responsibility of the Minister of Status of Women. That process is unfolding.
In terms of the research, as Deputy Minister Wilson said, we do have a strategy, and some of the products, which were part of the gender-based violence strategy, are quite deep into their development already, including a national gender-based violence survey for the first time in many years.