I agree. I think about what I would do to defend my family and my children. I would do just about anything.
You mentioned that sections 81 and 84 should be further used. I'm wondering how this compares to the healing lodges, which you suggested moving away from. Can you see a model whereby we transfer the healing lodges to the indigenous communities, or they create their own healing lodges, or do you advocate for the complete abolition of them? We have heard a lot of testimony that speaks to the positive use of these healing lodges. Perhaps in your opinion they're a transition, an intermediary between the historical incarceration system and rehabilitation, if you will, within the society.
What sort of transition do you see happening between the healing lodges, sections 81 and 84? Is there a place for the healing lodges within sections 81 and 84? Perhaps you could make mention of the potential evolution of rehabilitation for these offenders.