There are a couple of things we do need to take into consideration. The estimates need to be done.
What is the deadline for approval of the estimates?
You said March 24, so we'd like to get everything done ahead of time. At the same time it's really important that we start looking at motions, recognizing that we need to get witnesses here, we need to make a study plan and we need to look at the calendar.
Our next meeting is scheduled for, next week, the 25th, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During that time we have a few options that we could look at. Gudie has indicated—I hope you don't mind if I use first names—the opportunity to listen to the department, to hear about the work they have done in the past, as well as the work they'll be doing in the future, and there may be things we're not aware of.
Would the committee like to see the members come in here so that we can have a 101 on FEWO?