From a shelter perspective, I think it would be very important to have priority COVID-19 testing. Something we saw was that when women were able to make the call to a shelter to leave the violent situation, they had to go into two weeks' isolation within the shelter. That is very hard for a woman who is coming out of a violent situation and has to be put into isolation. If their COVID testing were a priority, they might only have to do that for a few days. That's something we would definitely recommend.
Also, in terms of prevention, for, our website, we did institute an update of it to show email addresses as well as text messaging and web chat services that were available, because sometimes those were more secure ways in which women could reach out to shelters. I think it also has to come down to having a living wage and looking at issues of poverty and racism and all of the things I listed that might exacerbate violence, such as stress, job loss and all of that. If we look at those societal economic issues, that will help with the stress as well.