Thank you very much for being here today, Mrs. Cornellier, Ms. Courteau and Ms. Pertuiset-Ferland.
You've cited Quebec's unique approach to recognizing invisible work. We can see that unique approach in the daycare centres issue and in the establishment of the inter-organizational committee funded by Quebec's Secrétariat à la Condition féminine. These are good initiatives.
I'd like to take another look at what the federal government can do on the invisible work issue.
You've discussed the importance of introducing gender-based analysis, GBA+. We have federal legislation on the subject, but it isn't adequately enforced. There's even talk of employment insurance reform because the present system has too many disadvantages for women. You also mentioned women caregivers who are 65 years old or more. Purchasing power and old age security have to be increased.
How could those three government measures actually assist in recognizing the invisible work done by mothers and caregivers?