Thank you for that question. I'll draw on different sources of data.
In terms of the helpline, we have a 24-7 helpline available in English and French that people can call. It actually speaks to the comments that were just made to the previous question on what supports are available in my community and how to reach them.
We can actually help to facilitate a warm hand-off to some of those organizations. Of course, what we're not able to do is accelerate any wait-lists or anything like that. That is one of the pieces of feedback we receive on the helpline. Someone will say, “Okay, so you've referred me to the organization, but they say it will be six to eight months before I can get what I need.” That's a frustration for caregivers for sure.
What we have found through the pandemic is that there has been an increased demand for our helpline as well as our online chat by caregivers, particularly because the services they are looking for are often changing in terms of whether they moved to virtual or shut down, or what a person should do now that the kinds of supports they've been looking for may not be available.
Another significant concern for caregivers during the pandemic has been that they're not sure they feel safe to access the services that they previously accessed, because they're concerned about infection prevention and control, whether that's home care or even going into appointments. It's been an important education tool to talk with caregivers about what's available to them and how to communicate their needs.
In terms of your other question, I think what we've certainly heard from caregivers out of province through these resources, because they don't have these types of tools available across the country, is that they need additional support with system navigation. When you call our helpline we can help make those referrals and pass them on, but sometimes people actually need to understand how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Especially with patients who may have multiple diagnoses or have complex care needs, it becomes the caregiver's role to be the system navigator, to become the project manager. That's an area where they need assistance as well.