With regard to the differences between urban and rural, yes, I definitely think there are significant differences. I think it is more difficult in some cases in rural areas for different reasons. You have a lack of services in a lot of rural areas, a lack of social infrastructure, so that's going to make it difficult for women to access any social infrastructure, if it's there.
There are also issues around transportation and mobility in rural areas, especially when you intersect that with income, so it's very difficult to get around in rural areas in the absence of public transit, for example. Even access to services becomes a larger challenge.
I do think it needs to be looked at.
There are also employment issues in a lot of rural and remote communities. I think all of those intersecting things make the experience different.
With that being said, I think the same challenges exist for women in rural and urban areas in terms of accessing child care and having those necessary supports for their lives. I do think they are different, and they may need different investments. They still are a part of the same issue. Even when you're looking at caring for aged seniors in rural or remote areas, the logistics of doing that can be more difficult even because of the lack of infrastructure.