Yes. Another one that I would say broadly speaks to some of what Laura brought up, too, is that I really think we need to have federal funds transferred to the provinces for health in addition to child care. A publicly funded child care system would actually raise the wages of some of the most marginalized women workers in that sector. We know that a lot of them are immigrant women and racialized women.
That's one thing, but I think that holistically we need to look at the care economy and who is working in that sector, and we really need to invest in it. We can't keep having it be on the backs of these other women, who are the most marginalized women—low income—when we know how essential this work is. I think it needs to be for long-term care workers and for care for people with disabilities, for that whole sector, whether it's in the community or through different institutions.
We have to strengthen our health infrastructure and close the gaps on care, because we know, as I've said, that some of the most marginalized women workers are working in the care sector, and they cannot even afford to pay for care for their family members.
I wish I had—