I think the challenge is that we have to go all in. If we value this and we believe that a national, universal, publicly funded child care system is what we want, we have to go all in and put the money there. We have to create a strong foundation for this system. It's been a hodgepodge of funding and a market-based approach. There are all sorts of different types of child care going on in Canada in the absence of a strong, universal, publicly funded system.
If we really value this, and we know that we do, I think we have to realize we have to invest in this and view this as an investment in not just women and women's rights but also in our children. All children should be able to access quality child care. I would say that a publicly funded system would mean that it's not just affordable but it's free because it's publicly funded.
We really have to go all in is how I would put it.