In our simulation study, we looked at the targets that the international community has established for not only low-income but also high-income countries to meet by 2030 in terms of coverage of health care services, the number of teachers in early childhood education and the quality of jobs.
You will find a number in our research under the methodology. We are trying to integrate this target and trying to come up with the existing care needs in terms of the demographic projection of the population but also in terms of filling the number, for instance, of doctors who would be needed to meet those sustainable development goals, the teacher-to-student ratio in schools and child care facilities and providing a wage that is adequate with the level of qualification of health care workers, aides, child care aides, personal workers and assisted living workers.
There are all these elements in care needs which, if we are really serious, all countries, including high-income countries, have the responsibility to deliver. Also, if we want to prevent the COVID crisis that has generated what we have seen over this month from happening again, we really have to go all in with the sustainable development goals.