Okay. Hopefully, this will help you to hear a little better. My apologies for that.
In regard to health human resources, we are calling on the federal government for support in the development of a pan-Canadian health human resources strategy. This is an area that is the most consistent top-level issue for long-term care right across the country. We are facing a crisis as it comes to available staffing. I have noted several different types of examples for the support for immigration but also for enhanced efforts in regard to education and the promotion of careers within long-term care. Those are areas that we have immediately identified and could potentially offer support in.
For infrastructure, we have been noting this as a critical issue, with aging infrastructure in many jurisdictions across the country. We saw the full impact of that as it relates to COVID-19 and the spread of that virus. It was incredibly challenging for some homes that have very narrow hallways, small rooms and shared dining areas that made it incredibly difficult for the infection control practices to be fully implemented in the way that we knew public health intended. There is an incredible need for that to be addressed going forward.
On the side of data, it's very challenging to compare long-term care across the country because of the data void we have. There are many homes across the country that are using an interRAI resident assessment instrument, in which the data are submitted to the Canadian Institute for Health Information. That does allow for some comparable information, but we're also advocating for the addition of a management information system that would allow for more of the business type of information, such as the administration, the spending, the impact and where the money is going to be included, for us to be able to track that.
We acknowledge in our ask to the federal government that being able to adequately report on the impact of those investments and to better understand the care needs of residents and where investments need to go are critical, so we would ask for that added support.