The beginning of the motion would remain the same, but it would end like this:
... devant le comité avec un panel d'une heure dédié au ministre de la Défense nationale; une table ronde d'une heure consacrée au chef d'état-major par intérim de la défense, le Lgén Wayne Eyre, et à la Lgén Frances Allen, représentante militaire du Canada auprès de l'OTAN; un panel d'une heure dédié au grand prévôt des Forces canadiennes, Simon Trudeau...
That's because he is the person to whom the investigation service reports. That's a replacement for that one.
I forgot to include the ombudsman's name, Gregory Lick. It should be added to the amendment, Madam Clerk.
I will continue reading the amendment:
... un panel d'une heure dédié à la juge de la Cour suprême à la retraite Marie Deschamps; et inviter un représentant de It's Just 700...
I then removed all the survivors' names, because I truly believe they should choose whether or not their names are released.
It's not because we don't want to put in individuals. It's because they are survivors, or advocates of survivors, and I really believe it is very important that we not put them in a position in which they would publicly have to say yes or no. That's a lot of pressure when we're dealing with this subject matter. That's why I took those names out. All of them are the same except the survivors at the end.
I have replaced the national investigation service with the provost marshal, because he is the person they report to. He is in a better position and wouldn't have to talk about the actual investigation and perhaps cause a problem with the investigation.
Those are the only changes I've made.