The short-term goal is absolutely essential. We need to make sure that anybody who has any type of allegation is going to be heard and is going to be supported. It's going to be thoroughly investigated and dealt with quickly. Those are the things we're working on now. We were already looking at changes to independence from the chain of command and what that function would look like. Now we're going to be putting a lot more effort into that to make sure there's true independence.
The long-term goal is prevention. The long-term goal has to always be how we prevent these things from happening in the first place. Ultimately, that way, we don't need to be reactionary.
Culture change at the lowest level is going to be very important as we start recruiting more. Having more representation, having the policies in place, having independence when something does occur and having the complaint properly dealt with are all those things we need to take a look at.
Right now everything is on the table. We have a military justice review that's currently ongoing as well.