Welcome to meeting number 26 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women.
We are in hybrid format. We are going to be hearing from our witnesses, and then suspending for a vote in the House.
When you're speaking, wait until you're recognized and then click on your microphone icon to activate your mike. Keep your mike on mute otherwise, and address your comments through the chair. You obviously will have the interpretation button at the bottom of your screen.
Let me now welcome our witnesses for our study of sexual misconduct within the Canadian Armed Forces.
We have today Rear-Admiral Rebecca Patterson, commander of the Canadian Forces health services, and a defence champion for women; Major-General Jennie Carignan, military personnel command; and Brigadier-General Lise Bourgon, the visiting defence fellow 2020-21 at Queen's University, and defence champion for women, peace and security.
Each of you will have five minutes for your speeches. We'll begin with Rear-Admiral Patterson.