As for just me personally, not me as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces or in.... There are other countries that have inspectors general, which are completely aside from the minister of defence. We could put the sexual misconduct response centre under there. We could put our ombudsman under there. We could take the CFNIS and put them under there so that they actually have a trained police force that can investigate and a trained police force that is actually independent from military police and from the military. These are options we could choose that are completely separate.
For the actual CFNIS, it is like you're being interrogated and you're a criminal. I know that on civilian sides.... I shouldn't have to be depending on the person I'm talking to who's asking me questions to give me emotional support. When you're answering questions about this, there are going to be emotional side effects. Why couldn't I bring a service dog or something in there to provide the emotional support that I needed without having to rely on the person asking me questions for that? Why does that pervert justice? I don't think it does.
We should be thinking about these sorts of things in our processes, and we should also be making sure that they're all independent. These are just some of the things that I think could be options. I'm not sure.