I am not an expert in the field of military police or sexual misconduct reporting, but to your question in terms of senior leadership allegations, the system is based on a process that is applied evenly to all members of the Canadian Forces, regardless of rank. The issue of the product that General Eyre had asked for was essentially an aide-mémoire or something that he could have in order to ensure that he was very clear on the process. I think it's clear that we haven't seen these kinds of allegations in the past, and therefore we wanted to ensure that there was no sense that there was a special process being applied to senior leaders.
In terms of reporting and victim support, if I receive an allegation, I have a choice to bring it to the military police. I can choose, depending on the severity of the allegation, to make an assessment and assign it to a unit-level investigation. I always have the opportunity to consult with our legal folks. If need be, I can consult with the SMRC and Dr. Preston to assist me through my decision-making process.