You're not going to like this, but I am a firm believer in national standards and I think long-term care should come under the Canada Health Act and that the provinces and the federal government have to get past all of this jurisdictional bickering. They have to put human lives at the centre. For God's sake, if you put human lives at the centre of this and work together, you can all agree on national standards that are good for everyone so that someone in Chicoutimi and someone in Dawson City get the same standard of care.
Of course, everyone will implement it in their own way, because there are specific needs in every region, but what is wrong with national standards? It's the bickering that is stopping us. Look at how many people died in Quebec. Look at how many people died in Ontario. There will be more of that if you guys can't come together and work this out. I'm counting on you guys, and so are the 77,000 who signed our petition.