It is a really important piece to think about retooling and re-skilling for the future, which speaks to one of the key recommendations the chamber and the women's advocacy committee brought forward, which is really about the need for job pivots and upskilling and re-skilling. You said very eloquently that a lot of small women-owned businesses have retooled. They've been incredibly resilient. I think this aspect of retooling, re-skilling, upskilling and changing opportunities is part of the resiliency that we need to bring forward in Canada as part of the recovery.
We did, in the opening comments, talk about that as one of our key recommendations: encouraging women to pursue different educational opportunities and different careers, to pursue high growth areas or perhaps male-dominated areas or other opportunities where there is growth, and to think about a wider aperture of what they can accomplish. We also talked about making sure that we're encouraging young women, but also people who are currently in the workforce, to pursue that. What new opportunities can exist, and how do we pivot and re-skill on those?