Good morning.
Right now South Asian women are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, with higher underemployment and unemployment rates. As the economy continues to be hit hard, the unemployment rate swelled to 11.3% in July 2020. However, the national unemployment rate disguises significant variation across population groups.
It is important to highlight that the highest figure within the unemployment rate is among South Asian women, at 20.4%. What we don't know is why South Asian women are being disproportionately affected.
It is also worth nothing that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate still did not favour South Asian women. The 2016 census highlighted the unemployment rate to be 11.14%. Again this statistic is disproportionately high in comparison to other women. We did not expect to find these alarming statistics. In taking the next steps to examine why this is happening, we may be tempted to jump to certain conclusions.
Our preliminary findings lead us to a very confusing picture. We have learned that South Asian women are in their prime working years and are highly educated, especially in comparison to other visible and non-visible minorities. To detail this, South Asian women are a decade younger than their counterparts at a median age of 33, and 37% of South Asian women have a university degree, which is the highest in comparison to any other group of women, including both visible and non-visible minorities.
Anecdotally, through our network of partners, we know that South Asian women in COVID-19 are taking on work that they can get, dealing with possible discriminatory layoffs, having an increase in cases of homelessness and a rise in domestic violence, and are forsaking their careers to take on familial duties.
In response to the impacts of COVID, the disproportionate employment rate and changing population, Pink Attitude Evolution is focused on collecting better data to produce targeted recommendations and meaningful actions through our national study. Upon completion of the study, Pink Attitude Evolution will initiate a cross-country national outreach plan to ensure South Asian women, employers, educators and other not-for-profits engage in the findings to positively impact employment rates.
Our goal is simple. We will build tangible programs and initiatives to improve the employment rate for South Asian women.
Our call to action for the Government of Canada can be summarized in three simple points. One, we would like to see the Government of Canada's partnership to support the study. Two, we anticipate changes in policy to specifically serve South Asian women—not just general programs for women. Three, we expect COVID-19 recovery plans to seriously consider South Asian women, as they are a well-prepared group of powerful women who can easily fill gaps in the Canadian economic market.
Thank you for your time.