MP Mathyssen, thank you for your leadership to your community in these very difficult times. If I have time, I will talk about Islamophobia.
Let me talk to your question about MMIWG first. Regarding the funding attached to it, there is $2.2 billion in budget 2021 that we hope will pass in the upcoming vote. Those funds start flowing this year, in 2021, so that work will move forward with culture being at the heart of the work and survivors being at the heart of the work.
The plan we put forward a few weeks ago is like no other plan in the world. We're doing something that hasn't been done quite like this before, with families and survivors at the centre. Of course, we've learned from other colleagues in countries like New Zealand, but Canada is moving forward. As we all know, time is up on this.
We're not building from scratch either. We've invested significantly in relationships with partners on the ground and we will move forward in a good way so that, through this national tragedy, we're able to change the story.
I'm happy to provide more information if there's a follow-up about the MMIWG plan.