I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 44 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women.
Today's meeting is in a hybrid format and the proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website.
Witnesses, when it's your turn to speak, I'll recognize you by name, and you can click on your microphone icon to activate your mike. Comments should be addressed through the chair, and interpretation in this video conference is available. If you look at the bottom of your screen, you can pick English, French or the floor, which will give you whatever's being spoken. When you're speaking, speak slowly and clearly for the translators. When you're not speaking, your mike should be on mute.
You will see that, when your time is drawing to a close, I will gently remind you with this little card [Technical difficulty—Editor]. Obviously, we wish we had more time, but in the time that we have, we try to make sure that we give everybody the chance to speak, and then we'll move along.
Let me just welcome our witnesses today. As an individual, we have Nafisah Chowdhury, who is a lawyer, and from Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, Calgary, we have Faakhra Choudhry and a host of supportive friends as well. We're glad to have you here today participating in our study on eliminating hate crimes and violence against women in marginalized groups.
We'll begin with Nafisah Chowdhury for five minutes.