You spoke a lot about high-quality care. What we've seen through peer-reviewed research is that we don't establish high-quality care via the universal system. I'm very concerned that we would be replicating essentially a mediocre quality of care for families across the country.
I think we need to turn back to the data. When we look at those who are unable to access care today, we find from Statistics Canada that while it can be very stressful and while a third of parents say they have a hard time, only 3% say they are not finding the child care they need in order to return to the work circumstances they desire.
You also mentioned elders caring for kids. I don't happen to live near family, but I do think that kin care is a very important aspect of child care provision. We have peer-reviewed research that suggests kin care is more effective and of higher quality than spaces in centres. I advocate strongly for a greater provision of monies for families to be able to support elders as family members and community-based members so they can help with child care needs in parental and non-parental child care.