I will correct the record. We have actually been recognized as having the best intersectional gendered lens to our COVID response of all countries. In the early days of COVID, as you know we were dealing with a disease that none of us really knew. We acted quickly to provide immediate supports to Canadians who needed it the most. Millions of Canadians received income supports.
Businesses received the supports that we could provide in the early days. Ever since, we have pivoted, because we have listened and have tweaked our measures to ensure that they meet the real needs.
I will say, concerning supports for pregnant women, that my colleague, Minister Qualtrough, who was before this committee in the summer, I think it was, spoke about how she's working to address the challenge around maternity leave. Just a few weeks ago she announced that we are providing a credit of, I think, 420 hours for pregnant women who perhaps were not able to accumulate the hours they needed for their parental leave, their mat leave. This is significant, and it's backdated to March 15.
There is much more to do. I am proud of our government's record on this, but as I said in my opening remarks, we come to this with humility, knowing that we can always strengthen our response. If colleagues have suggestions for ways we can do so, this committee is certainly a forum for them, as are the follow-ups and the conversations between and among committees.