MP Hutchings, you're making me feel nostalgic at the end of this very terrible year. I think for LGBTQ2 Canadians and the organizations that support them, knowing that the Government of Canada and, frankly, all parties in the House are with them after decades and decades of advocacy is really, really important and we should continue that.
Minister Chagger will be working to roll out millions of dollars for LGBTQ2 organizations. This is the first fund of its kind. Knowing her and the Prime Minister, certainly not the last. We've had bills passed in the previous Parliament that provided protection for trans and LGBTQ2 Canadians, which did not exist before. Of course, we're taking their realities into consideration, both with the response to COVID and specifically in the gender-based violence strategy, because we know that they are disproportionately affected by violence, especially in these very difficult times.