Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for bringing that up.
I think Canada has the opportunity to be a leader, from a policy and legislative perspective, when it comes to caregiving and really driving change. In my previous role—I was with the World Health Organization on the global dementia team—this was one of the issues we looked at. Globally, when you look at countries, what have they done from a legislative and policy perspective to support caregivers by recognizing them and compensating them? Sadly, it's very limited. Ireland, for example, in 2017 did recognize caregivers and extended financial allowances for caregivers, so this is one of the policy tools that could be leveraged, but outside of that, there are very few. I think this goes back to your previous point about extending work hours, extending allowances just as we would for women who have just given birth, recognizing that caregiver responsibility and financially compensating for it, and doing so through appropriate policy and legislative changes.