Mr. Giroux, It's a pleasure to welcome you here today. As my colleague just mentioned, given that yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the tabling of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, we can agree that we've come a long way in 50 years. However, in my statement yesterday, I spoke about a number of things that still require action, including the much talked about Pay Equity Act.
In fact, I truly believe that we need to use COVID-19 to rethink our economy. We also need to examine precisely how women were penalized more severely during the pandemic and whether we now need to introduce feminist measures in this economy. Pay equity is one such measure, I believe. Quebec's, Pay Equity Act has been in force since 1996. Although Canada's Pay Equity Act was adopted in 2018 here in Ottawa, it has still not come into force. We know that the federal government decided to wait until businesses within its purview got used to the idea and began to think about how to go about implementing the new act.
What, in your opinion, are the impediments within the federal government causing the implementation of this act to drag on?
At the end of the line, do you think it's women who will pay the price, and if so, to what degree?