Thanks for providing this opportunity.
I'll just quickly give some numbers. Of the participants who enter the program, 46% come from the shelter system, and 94% are stably housed upon exit. I mentioned that 8% of them are homeowners.
Sixty-four per cent had either grade 12 or lower education, and 100% of them obtain post-secondary education, college education, upon exit. When they came to the program, 94% weren't employed, and 88% were employed upon leaving the program. Ninety per cent of them were on Ontario Works with an income of $1,100 or $600-something dollars. The average wage upon exit is $43,000.
The benefits of the program are not just housing stability, increased education and better employment opportunities, but also the indirect benefits for their children. They experience observing their moms working hard towards their education. Being involved in mentorship programs and having positive role models.... There are multiple levels, not just the immediate.
It's a lengthy program; we recognize this. That's why it's so successful. It provides the time for women to regroup and work on any issues while gaining education and experience through internships and employment.