Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you, Michelle, because this is a very important cause.
This is dear to my heart, because I spent New Year's Eve day at a food bank in Toronto. I saw the lineups. I'll be honest and say that I was appalled. A lot of the individuals in that lineup were mothers with children. I will tell you that this particular food bank, by the name of Sai Dham, supports everyone in the community. In one month alone, they served 3.17 million meals. They also served 3,000 food baskets to seniors. These are individuals who can't afford to eat. These are single mothers who are too ashamed to go anywhere else. It really appalled me.
If we really care, we need to pass this motion so that we can continue to feed our communities. This is Canada. The number of people who have to use food banks is appalling. I think we need to make sure that this doesn't go on.
I'm supporting this motion, Madam Chair. I would like to see it go forward so that we are here for all single mothers and everyone to ensure that they don't go to bed hungry and nobody goes to bed with an empty stomach.
Thank you.