The only downfall to my current system.... This is probably where it wouldn't work nationally, and we would need to tailor it a little bit. Everbridge is so technologically sophisticated, it can do everything but wash your dishes.
I'm sure that if we were able to work with Everbridge, we could make the registration process for the red dress alert system a little easier. Right now, I subscribe to a website called Jotform. I went in and created my own form. It's very easy. You submit your name, your phone number and what community you want to receive the alerts for. We don't need any more information than that. In fact, I don't even need to know your name. You could tell me you're Donald Duck if you like. I just need to know how I get hold of you, and what community you would like to receive the alerts for.
With regard to funding, yes, I do believe there should be a little bit more funding put toward this. We're talking about tens of thousands of people registering for the red dress alert system. The funding that I receive pays for my subscription to Everbridge, and also pays for my subscription to Jotform.